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Winning Recipes to Help Your Employees Minimize Privacy Risks this Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for recipes — chocolate fudge, gingerbread cookies, latkes — the treats are endless! But along with the holiday recipes, comes the holiday shopping. And just like everything else in 2020, there are some “changes” to how people shop. “More consumers are avoiding malls and buying gifts from their couch during the coronavirus pandemic,” states CNBC. There is a surge in online shopping this year, with record-breaking Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday online spending; and Cyber Monday was the largest online sales day in history, covers CNBC.

Experts forecast that 75% of Americans will be shopping online this yearup 20% from 2019. Combine the holiday shopping season with COVID-19 restrictions; add in a healthy amount of cybercriminals preying on shoppers, and you’ve got the recipe for the perfect retail security storm.

If employees’ personal devices are compromised, they can provide hackers with an open door into a corporate’s network and data which can be accessed and exploited without IT even noticing.
― Jeff Norton, author of Businesses Need to Rethink Cyber Risks for Work-from-Home Employees

With U.S. shoppers expected to spend $189 billion online this holiday season, and the majority of shopping from home — employers and organizations might need to review and update their BYOD policies, as work-from-home arrangements continue. Download the HR to the Rescue whitepaper to learn more tips to help your employees manage their privacy and identity.

“If employees’ personal devices are compromised, they can provide hackers with an open door into a corporate’s network and data which can be accessed and exploited without IT even noticing,” cautions Jeff Norton, author of Businesses Need to Rethink Cyber Risks for Work-from-Home Employees.

Communicating with your employees about safe online shopping practices and offering your employees identity and privacy protection are winning recipes. Learn more in our webinar, Holiday Shopping Season — How to Minimize Privacy Risk to Your Employees, taking place this Thursday, on December 3, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. PT. In this 30-minute webinar, we’ll outline:

  • How holiday shopping can put your employees' privacy at risk
  • Tips and tools to reduce privacy and data breach risks for your employees
  • Proactive and reactive solutions

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