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IDX Introduces New Alerts and Notifications Dashboard to Members

Summary: IDX knows the importance of privacy, which is why we provide the most comprehensive privacy protection and tools available anywhere. We also know that good privacy practices need to fit smoothly into your life. Learn how IDX is streamlining your privacy protection to make it even smoother, simpler, and stress-free.

Better Privacy, Every Day and in Every Way

To be effective, privacy and identity protection needs to be built into your life. IDX is making that easier.

IDX members know that privacy threats are everywhere: in email , on social media, on Wi-Fi networks—even your smart home. With all these dangers, your privacy practices need to be as automatic as washing your hands and as simple as soap, and IDX is working hard to make them just that easy to integrate into your life. We asked our members how we can best serve them with our IDX Privacy Platform. Our improved dashboard, alerts and notifications are designed to streamline our members’ experience, making it even easier to take protect themselves by taking action against privacy threats.

Privacy Dashboard

A redesigned member dashboard shows you all your services in one convenient screen. You can quickly scan your IDX Score, credit score and services setting, use the password detective, and see the latest member news and ideas. At the top right, the bell icon tells you whether you have new alerts and notifications in your alerts inbox. Click on the bell icon to open the inbox.


Alerts are IDX’s way of ensuring you have the information you need to take action and protect your privacy. Because of this, we wanted to make sure they’re easy to read, so we changed the Alerts area from a tiny box on the dashboard to an entire screen. In the alerts inbox, icons will tell you the sources of your alerts: credit monitoring, social media monitoring, dark web monitoring breaches, or account alerts. As you read alert descriptions, labels will tell you how urgent it is to take action.

Notifications Bar

When you’ve taken the recommended action on an alert—such as changing an exposed password or blocking someone who’s misusing your social media connection—it will now be simpler to acknowledge that and archive the alert.

Permanently Delete Information Online

And when you no longer need the alert, you can delete it permanently.

Just like soap, privacy protection only works if you use it, so IDX wants to make privacy a simple, fuss-free part of your busy life. This new release is just the beginning! We’re always listening to you and building better, easier ways to protect your privacy and stay safe.

About IDX

We're your proven partner in digital privacy protection with our evolving suite of privacy and identity products.