1 minute read

2019 Predictions for Social Media and Digital Data Privacy

Consumers Demand More As Data Privacy Questions Increase

​ID Experts’ President and CEO, Tom Kelly, was recently featured on Morning Consult discussing his predictions for 2019, an important and possibly challenging year for social media companies. With the continual rise in data breaches and identity theft, American’s views on data privacy and their digital identity are evolving. How social media platforms, and the companies that drive them, affect our identities, privacy, and even our finances, is an increasingly complicated subject in the digital age.

Here are Tom’s predictions for what the next year will look like – for the companies, for their users and for the nation:

  • Consumers will demand accountability
  • Federal and industry leaders will work toward a standard privacy framework.
  • Identity theft will explode

Read the full article at Morning Consult

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