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Give Peace of Mind: The Best Security Gifts

​It’s the time of year when we start looking for holiday gift ideas! But before you settle for the latest kitchen gizmo or what’s left at the Black Friday sales, think about giving something even more valuable: peace of mind! In this data-driven world, gifts that protect our personal information and devices may be far more valuable than one more tie or sweater.

Here are some great options for the people on your gift list.

  • Encrypted flash drives are a practical (and affordable) gift for mobile workers and students—everyone from your college-bound nephew to your jet-setting sister. While some documents are safe enough “in the cloud,” encrypted flash drives are a great way to transport important projects and personal data without the risk of hacking or corruption, or the need for secure connections.
  • A Virtual Private Network (VPN) subscription allows a user to work as securely as if they were on a local network, even if they’re three states away or in another country. A VPN creates a secure tunnel over a public Wi-Fi network. Traffic between the user and the endpoint is routed through this tunnel, keeping their data protected and also masking their identity from anyone who might be snooping on the public network. Companies have long required remote workers to log into their systems via VPN, but consumers are increasingly using these secure connections to log into their home networks when they’re away. A VPN protects your personal data whether you’re working on the road or streaming your favorite show from your DVR while on vacation.
  • Smart padlocks are another excellent gift, especially for anyone you know who has trouble remembering combinations. Smart padlocks are controlled through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections and can be unlocked via pin codes, fingerprint recognition, or even phone connections. Some can even be programmed for multiple codes or users and will notify the master user when any given code is entered.
  • Portable chargers or power banks can be a lifesaver for frequent travelers, commuters using public transportation, and just about anyone. From a power outage to a natural disaster, or even just a camping trip, there are plenty of occasions when it’s handy to have extra power available. With a portable charger on hand there is no need to fear having a smartphone on the brink of running out of charge, and no chance of getting “juice jacked” when you supply your own power source.
  • With data breaches, phishing scams, and hackers lurking on public networks, identity protection is fast becoming a necessity, and it makes a great gift. Identity thieves don’t discriminate, from children to seniors and everyone in between – which is why identity protection is a great way to protect all your loved ones. It always fits, and it is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

In all the rush and stress, holiday giving can feel like an obligation, when it should be a time to show you care. Instead of giving something that takes up space in their home, show them they have a space in your heart and give the gift of safety and security.

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We're your proven partner in digital privacy protection with our evolving suite of privacy and identity products.