1 minute read

A Message on Racial Injustice

Dear IDX Team,

We have all been witnesses to a brutal application of senseless force by a police officer in Minneapolis. The killing of George Floyd should sadden us, anger us and harden our resolve to be part of the change needed to address the racism that can’t be ignored underlying his death. I am encouraged that the primary officer involved in his killing has been arrested and charged with murder. I am also encouraged with peaceful protests that seek to emphasize the need for change in our national attitude toward eliminating the racism and policing methodologies that sickened us as we watched the video of Mr. Floyd’s death. The violent protests that have taken attention away from our peaceful outrage should also sicken and anger us as they harm so many innocents, most often the poor, and turn the attention away from our resolve to make the changes in our attitudes needed to make our country a more just place.

While it is important to me to share my feelings about this, I also want to recognize that it has been a very frustrating few days. We see injustice and it seems we can’t do anything about it. But there is hope. We can all do our part to encourage change through our words and actions. We can stand together against senseless violence and pledge to live our own lives more virtuously. All we can do is be good examples for our children, our family, our friends. Let us all be the change we want to see so that we can begin to eliminate racism in our time.


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